Drawing on earlier research on governance and juridification, respectively, the dissertation sketches out the general thrust for the examination of the relation between the two and, in particular, just what the theoretical perspective of juridification adds to our understanding of the transformation of education policy and Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of 'Religion, Human Rights, Juridification'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Human Rights Arts & Humanities We rely on an expansive notion of juridification, departing from the more narrow sense of juridificiation as the gradually increasing “colonization of the lifeworld” pro-posed by Jürgen Habermas in his Theory of Communicative Action (1987; Vol. 2, Beacon Press). Anmälan av Judit Novak “Juridification of Educational Spheres: The Case of Swedish School Inspection,” Svensk juristtidning nr 10 2018, s. 919-929. ”Rättighetifiering: om rättigheternas tragedi”, i: T. Erhag, P. Leviner & A-S. Lind (red.) The strands will be brought together in three steps – first, by presenting a brief overview of research on contemporary conceptualizations of juridification in modern societies; second, by tracing some of the central historical antecedents that inform such juridification; and third, by identifying how the juridification of education proceeds on different paths at different rates, issuing in Juridification of school inspections in Sweden : A recourse to legislative enactments Novak, Judit (author) Uppsala universitet,Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier Juridification can be seen as a strategy of compensatory legitimation. Drawing on earlier research on governance and juridification, respectively, the dissertation sketches out the general thrust for the examination of the relation between the two and, in particular, just what the theoretical perspective of juridification adds to our understanding of the transformation of education policy and Although the term juridification continues to appear with increasing regularity in the existing literature,11 there nevertheless remains some uncertainty as to its exact meaning, scope and content.12 Most commentators, including Spiros Simitis and Jon Clark,13 agree that juridification is a process which, over time, moves legal regulation from the Drawing on earlier research on governance and juridification, respectively, the dissertation sketches out the general thrust for the examination of the relation between the two and, in particular, just what the theoretical perspective of juridification adds to our understanding of the transformation of education policy and practice.

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Juridification can be seen as a strategy of compensatory legitimation. Drawing on earlier research on governance and juridification, respectively, the dissertation sketches out the general thrust for the examination of the relation between the two and, in particular, just what the theoretical perspective of juridification adds to our understanding of the transformation of education policy and Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of 'Religion, Human Rights, Juridification'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Human Rights Arts & Humanities We rely on an expansive notion of juridification, departing from the more narrow sense of juridificiation as the gradually increasing “colonization of the lifeworld” pro-posed by Jürgen Habermas in his Theory of Communicative Action (1987; Vol. 2, Beacon Press).

The case of family networks; 7. Concluding remarks; Notes; References; Article Metrics; Related Articles; Comments There is more to the concept of juridification, and this is the power of the legal model (Brinkmann 1982): ‘The concept of juridification implies that legal language and decision-making methods have annexed other areas, such as the political or pedagogical’ (ibid.). Juridification.

PhD Candidate, Sociology of Law Department. Title: “Between Risk and Legal Accountability - Law and the Juridification of Safety Norms in European Civil Aviation Maintenance”.


As important, juridification also brings with it permanent instability because of the inevitable conflicts that arise from the replacement of an old order based on authority, to a new military system based on rights. The juridification of nightlife and alternative culture: two UK case studies. Deborah Talbot Department of Social Policy and Criminology, Faculty of Social Sciences , Open University , Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK Correspondence d.h.talbot@open.ac.uk. Pages 81-93 Care for the elderly – conditions and everyday realities Child and Family Welfare Research Child Rights Institute at Lund University Juridification de l'Anthropocène : Ce que l'Anthropologie dit au droit" La semaine juridique, ed G, 2020. Gilles Lhuilier. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package.


This chapter reviews the principal debates on the juridification of politics, discussing anthropological analysis of the juridification of Indigenous politics. In normative terms juridification is sometimes seen as the hallmark of constitutional democracy, the triumph of the rule of law over despotism; at other times as. 13 Oct 2017 More specifically, the article adapts the multidimensional notion of juridification outlined by Anders Molander and Lars Christian Blichner in their  This is described as a "juridification process" in critical legal circles and has many disturbing ramifications. Second, the way many political concerns within  “Juridification” points to a process of transformation: something that was not considered to be legal or integrated into law in a broad sense begins to be  11 Jan 2021 My “In-Between Juridification and Politicisation: Zooming in on the Everyday Politics of Law” has been published in an edited volume on  This paper focuses on juridification of party politics in European polities, understood as the regulation of party activity, organization and behaviour through public  Juridification of Social Spheres. A Comparative Analysis in the Areas of Labor, Corporate,. Antitrust and Social Welfare Law. Edited by. Gunther Teubner.
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Pedagogy  At the time of the project, three were Labour and one Conservative. JURIDIFICATION.

Where social and economic activities come increasingly to be governed by legal rules at the expense of the values and principles that develop within those social and economic spheres themselves More specifically, the article adapts the multidimensional notion of juridifica-tion outlined by Anders Molander and Lars Christian Blichner in their article ‘Mapping Juridification’ (2008; 14 European Law Journal 36), and develops it into a more context-specific notion of juridification that is attendant to the specific nature of religion as a subject matter for law. 2009-06-08 JURIDIFICATION OF THE FOOTBALL FIELD: STRATEGIES FOR GIVING LAW THE ELBOW. SIMON GARDINER & ALEXANDRA FELIX* There is increasingly a view that the law should be involved more prominently in the regulation of sport.1 The area of concern is wide-ranging, with issues such as performers' contracts, restraint of trade, the Second, juridification is a process through which law comes to regulate an increasing number of different activities.
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Pedagogy  At the time of the project, three were Labour and one Conservative. JURIDIFICATION. Juridification is often used to designate a quantitative growth of law or. Abstract. This article demonstrates how EU member states' distinct constitutional traditions shape the im- pact of EU juridification on national welfare states and  Between Juridification and Deepening Social Democracy: Key Elements to Discuss the Conflicts Around the Rules of Coexistence within Educational Institutions  24 Apr 2019 Title: Myth Making, Juridification, and Parasitical Discourse: A Barthesian Semiotic Demystification of Canadian Political Discourse on  16 Feb 2021 The Juridification of Individual Sanctions and the Politics of EU Law. Eva Nanopoulos talks to us about her new book published by Bloomsbury. Introduction: Legal Regulation and the Juridification of Party Governance.