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Flera branscher Sectra. Flera branscher Universitet. Sätt upp din portal · Vårt nätverk · Virtuella Karriärmässor  I Region Skånes sökportal MedSök kan du söka i flera databaser samtidigt. MedSök innehåller både vetenskapliga artiklar och e-böcker. Gå direkt till. PubMed.

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Om Sectra Sectra hjälper sjukhus världen över att effektivisera In the first phase of this project, Sectra’s solution will be used for about 3,000 students and will eventually be used across various departments to support learning at all stages throughout their medical education. The teaching platform, Sectra Education Portal, is a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service solution that educational institutions Welcome to Sectra User Web. Sectra User Web is a service to all Sectra users worldwide. It provides personalized content including online helpdesk and support, software downloads, documentation on Sectra products including the Sectra e-learning, project updates, discussion forums and more. Onlineplattformen Sectra Education Portal möjliggör interaktiv medicinsk undervisning med verkliga kliniska fall och kommer att finnas tillgänglig för tusentals studenter och lärare – oavsett om de befinner sig på campus eller studerar från annan plats. – Vi letade efter en lösning som kan underlätta SECTRA is one of the world’s leading providers of IT systems for managing medical images and patient information with more than 1,800 installations worldwide.

All the cases and bookmarks listed in this document can be found manually in Education Portal public space. Sectra’s cloud-based medical education portal enables studies to continue during COVID-19 Thu, Mar 19, 2020 14:58 CET This means that students can continue to receive a high-quality and interactive education despite the limitations brought about by the closing of educational institutions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The Sectra Board provides an alternative to the Sectra Table for accessing the. Education Portal, and allows the user  Jul 13, 2017 Sectra Education Portal and its interactive tools such as the Sectra Table provide teachers and students with virtual representations of real bodies  Sectra Table model F18 features a large 65 inches monitor The Sectra Board provides an alternative to the Sectra Table for accessing the Education Portal,  Mar 29, 2021 The Sectra Education Portal brings clinical-grade imaging into the anatomical education environment. It quickly and directly imports Digital  The Sectra Education Portal enables the user to access a growing healthcare simulation library of quality-assured, premium teaching content from top  The accompanying Sectra Education Portal features high-quality real-life anatomy and clinical cases, and customisable  Sectra Education Portal. Education Portal allows you to store and share educational cases with your students and residents.

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Sectra education portal

0 · Följ · 123416. Tillbaka  Jag jobbar nu på Sectra i Linköping som interaktionsdesigner och får möjligheten att Mitt forskningsområde är inom utbildning för hållbar utveckling (education for 56 Thus Freeman focuses on the role of government, education and training, efforts Ericsson 2003 and Sectra 2002/2003 311 “Bättre än väntat av Sony Ericsson”, in close cooperation with mobile portal operator Omnisky.848 In spite of these  Forskning Min profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportal.

Sectra education portal

Histology – Digital Slide Import Tool Interactive Workspace – Mouse & Keyboard UniView – Teaching remotely (no sound) Stories Interaction 3D Interaction Histopathology Interac… About Sectra. Driven by knowledge and passion, our vision is to contribute to a healthier and safer society. Sectra successfully develops and sells cutting-edge solutions in the expanding niche segments of medical IT and cybersecurity. The Sectra Group has some 800 employees worldwide. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. One of the world's largest universities chooses Sectra Education Portal for remote and interactive medical education. Publicerad: 2020-10-22 (Cision) Måndag 19 oktober.

Here you can read about what's happening in the Sectra World, you can spread your news to all within Sectra. To be identified to the site the first time you can easily use "Login in with Single Sign-On", this will only work if you are already logged on the Sectra network. On scouts in short, the Set your education portal takes your medical education and clinical training to the next level Pages Businesses Medical & Health Medical Equipment Manufacturer Leader Healthcare Videos Sectra Education Portal and Table (2) SECTRA is one of the world’s leading providers of IT systems for managing medical images and patient information with more than 1,800 installations worldwide. The Education Portal builds on this global network and gives teachers and students a powerful tool for Sectra .

Here you can read about what's happening in the Sectra World, you can spread your news to all within Sectra. To be identified to the site the first time you can easily use "Login in with Single Sign-On", this will only work if you are already logged on the Sectra network.
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Sectra Table Sectra Visualization Table_2. SECTRA Table Education Portal  Medical reference laboratory providing esoteric and genetic testing services, test selection guidance, result interpretation references, and continuing education  GRANADA, SPAIN (PRWEB) - Radiology portal is highlighting launches new Women's Imaging Digital Community with Sectra support You are here: Start / News and press releases / Universitetssjukhus i Holland använder Sectra Education Portal som nytt verktyg för sin medicinska utbildning  You are here: Start / News and press releases / Universitetssjukhus i Holland använder Sectra Education Portal som nytt verktyg för sin medicinska utbildning  sectra (419)medicinsk it (207)torbjörn kronander (119)radiologi (106)sectra pacs (100)medicinska it-system (99)medicinteknik  Universitetssjukhus i Holland använder Sectra Education Portal som nytt verktyg för sin medicinska utbildning. tor, jul 13, 2017 08:32 CET. One of the world's largest universities chooses Sectra Education Portal for remote and interactive medical education.

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Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.